Rachel Reuther Most people have a toxic relationship to food and no one should feel so unworthy as to only eat one meal a day. In fact as a society we need to start understanding what real food is. Food is grown from the ground not something that is processed from a box. I'm a chemist I know what a lot of these chemicals in processed foods do, most of them are added to addict you and only added to addict you. Not everyone's biochemistry will lead them to food addiction, but a good portion of people do. The same neurochemical pathway that can addict people to drugs can be used by sugar and some of these food additives. You think you are making the choice to eat something rationally, but in reality you are driven by addiction. Food companies know this and exploit people for this. The only true way to break these cravings is eating whole natural plant foods and if your only eating these types of foods you can eat as much as you want. If your food isn't good quality healthful food your workouts wont be fueled properly and losing weight will be hard no matter how much you exercise. Weight-loss is 80% eating and 20% exercise, you absolutely need both, but it only really works if you eat right. I highly recommend you check it out. Eat to live by Joel Fuhrman is a great first book!
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